By: Josh Jensen |Follow on Facebook

Motivation is something that will be up and down on a consistent basis. Here are a few quick strategies to help you stay focus on your goals!

You have to first make a decision to do it!

When you make that decision there has to be no going back, no way out! There shouldn’t be an alternative. Every decision you make is based off a pleasure and pain system. Either you make choices to avoid pain or to create great pleasure. So you have to change the way you think of exercise because right now it just isn’t pleasurable enough for you to do it consistently. The pain you have associated with exercise is greater than the pleasure of having your perfect body. Ask yourself is the pleasure of drinking beers every weekend, eating until you are stuff, making excuses to not work out worth the pain of never be happy or struggling with self-esteem.

You don’t have a lack of motivation, it just isn’t important enough for you to be motivated!

But you can change that!! Think of what will happen if you never commit yourself to reaching this goal? How will you feel? How will you look? Is it worth sacrificing beers, tiredness, and any other excuses we seem to come up with when we try to justify our decisions? Once you tell yourself that this is not who I am and I can be better, you will then change your actions!!

Once you are ready to change you will!

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